I have no doubt that some people's opposition to data centers is legit and sincere. But I can't help but wonder if some others are opposing them as political opportunism. The Democratic Board of Supervisors is approving these things, therefore I as a Republican have to oppose them and convince others they are a catastrophe.

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So, you oppose the vote of your fellow Republican Pat Herrity?

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To be clear, my last sentence up there is my hypothetical political opportunist speaking, not me personally (I am mildly pro-data centers but would like more regulation on energy usage and the like).

As for Herrity, I know he has been the lone vote against certain data center projects on at least some occasions (e.g. https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/articles/fairfax_county/board-of-supervisors-ignores-citizen-input-on-data-center/article_b61cd04c-c12c-11ee-99d5-0bca98c26f73.html). Are you suggesting he's been pro data-centers previously? It wouldn't surprise me, but I'm not aware of specifics.

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In the meeting recording it appears that Herrity voted for the Data Center amendment around the 12:00:47 mark.


It wasn't clear to me if you were joking or where simply reflexively anti-Democrat. I appreciate local issues like this one cutting across party lines and making people actually think about the policy.

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